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Image for Diabetes and the Eyes

Some people with diabetes develop serious complications with their eyes, called diabetic retinopathy. If you don’t get this treated properly, it can lead to sight loss. If eye complications do start to develop, they can nearly always be treated to avoid long-term problems – as long as they’re spotte…

(2 reviews)
Image for Diabetic Retinopathy

This video explains everything you need to know about diabetic retinopathy. Through a series of animations, the viewer is taken through the journey of diabetic retinopathy.

(2 reviews)
Image for Eye Problems:  Retinopathy and eye screening

This page provides information on what retinopathy is, the risks for developing it, and what happens at an eye screening appointment.

Image for Eye Problems:  Retinopathy and eye screening

إذا كنت مصابًا بداء السكري، فأنت معرض لخطر الإصابة بمشكلات في العين.

Image for Retinopathy and eye screening

This page provides information on what retinopathy is, the risks for developing it, and what happens at an eye screening appointment.

Image for Closer monitoring and treatment of diabetic retinopathy

This information is for people who have been referred from diabetic eye screening because they need closer monitoring in a surveillance clinic or referral for further investigation or treatment.

Image for Diabetic eye screening: easy read guide

This booklet tells you about diabetic eye screening. It is an easy read guide about a health check for people who have diabetes and are aged 12 or over.

Image for Your guide to diabetic eye screening

This page explains the importance of eye screening when you have diabetes and what happens at your screening appointment.

Image for Your guide to diabetic retinopathy

This information is for people with background retinopathy detected by diabetic eye screening. It contains important information about signs of changes to your eyes caused by diabetes.

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